Today kicks off baseball/softball season (at least in practices), and this year my husband is coaching a girl's softball team--10 year old girls, muahaha! This means a great deal of my day on Tuesdays and Saturdays will be spent at the city park. Although I will admit that I'm still baffled by humankind's fascination with chasing balls around (Or watching other people chase around balls on TV while paying them ridiculous amounts of money), I am glad that my kids are interested in doing something that involves physical body movement.
I guess I will read books to keep myself occupied. It's weird though-- I am usually the only person in the park reading. People DO still read, right?
I am very excited because on May 16, a few of us from lab will be going to the Lansing SfN (Society for Neuroscience) and it will be my first science conference ever. I don't really know what to expect but I think it will be really cool to have a bunch of brain-lovers packed together in one place, talking about their research.
Today I am trying to do a bit of yard work, and get things planted as early as possible. There's still a lot that needs to be done out there, but it's still pretty squishy in places. I wish it was just a little bit warmer, but in Michigan (and anywhere I suppose) you have to take what you get.
I am the only one reading at our park here in Texas too. :-( Have fun at the conference try to make a new friend someone you can talk brains long distance to. :-)